Untoward, Dissevered Solus

Hand of the Dead Lyrist

When looked at in a certain light, its face is wound with scars like a ball of aged twine. A drifter that manifests many personalities. Its hands are like the cloud-slashed night. If one approaches it too closely, or even peers too intently at its body, it fades like smoke, or a ghost.

One finds evidence of it in patterns drawn in sand, perhaps words or names in scripts invented and forgotten. In rocks turned so their shadows form patterns, in slow footsteps in the dark hours when the horizon feels near, in places that feel inhabited by memory but lie empty, washed by the waves of sand and the eternal mutability of the elements.


  • A scrap of paper with the words “inherent,” “radiance,” “riven,” “behest,” and “aero” written on it in strange ink.
  • A sword that reminds one of autumn.
  • A medallion effaced by time.